Sunday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“Enjoy the fruits of the world, the beauty My Father created, because He created it! His works are good, and He desired the fruits of the land to multiply. But do not be attached to the world. Be attached only to God. Do not take for granted the gifts of the Lord given to you. Be people of virtue, and treasure the Eternal way.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

The more time I spend on this earth, the more I realize that I’ve accumulated a lot of “stuff” that owns me more than I own “it.” The recent hurricane damage in the southeast in the last couple of weeks has shown us the “finiteness” of physical bodies as roads washed away from the sides of mountains and houses were destroyed. Taking many down to the clothes on their back, where the only thing left in their lives is a choice between love and fear. The choice as to how we respond in the face of devastation as God has shown us that there is no “safe place,” even on the highest of ground where everything can’t be reduced to dust in an instant should He will it.
How prepared are we if this were to happen to us? How prepared are those in the Holy Land and other areas as war and devastation comes to their front doors?
No matter what happens to us in this physical world, God always has a place for us in His Kingdom, but how and whether we choose to live there or not depends on where and how we place our souls regardless of how our physical surroundings look and feel. The “places” where we allow our hearts and souls to rest when all things physical that surround us change drastically on very short notice.
Our economic structures, houses, cars, and services could all be gone tomorrow, but if our hearts and souls are reliant on these “things,” the loss of these things is way greater than if our hearts and souls are immersed in the love we have for each other. Through kindness, through service, and just for being there for each other in “sickness or in health.” And more than those things, through God, who is never going away no matter how many mountains are reduced to rubble. God led Moses to the Promised Land, and Jesus has led us to The Cross. Where we might die unto ourselves that others might live in Him.
We don’t know what tomorrow is going to bring in the physical sense, but if we keep our hearts, souls, and minds rested in Him in the eternal sense, the physical aspects of change and paradigm shifts will be way less devastating than they would be without Him in our lives.
I pray that we all get our hearts and souls right with Him in the here and now, for without Him, eternity will be for nought. Only what we give back to Him through our love for each other will keep us all in, and totally His. May we be grateful for whom we have in our lives, for “what” we have is only dust.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol IV
My dear one, I, your beloved Jesus, come to meet you; to strengthen you, and to speak words of wisdom and truth to My people through you. Blessed are they that seek the way of eternal truth and wisdom by putting aside the ways of the world.
Many of My people desire initially the heavenly graces, but soon abandon the heavenly desire for the enticements of the world. Place your investments in the reality of the Eternal Word! I am the Word, for I AM. I am the Word made Flesh.
In order to always be on the path to righteousness, you MUST continually decline the falsehoods of deception through the richness of this “man made” world. This “man made” richness will never grant you eternal freedom.
Blessed are the wise who seek first the Kingdom of God and will deny the things of the world which would prevent their gain. There are many who begin their journey, but never find the path! They are the ones who speak of the way of goodness, but never practice those ways. There are also the ones who practice, half-heartedly, My words, selecting those to whom they desire to give themselves. These are the ones who settle for less because they will never gain the entire treasure of the Kingdom. They desire to settle for less and they will not be able to select the treasure of heaven!
Then there are My few who do not pay heed to the ways of the world, but pay heed to the ETERNAL WAY OF TRUTH.
These are the wise, the ones who give the best of their ability without showing favoritism in their love. They listen to the Word and discern the Will of My Father in their lives, even if they make human mistakes.
Enjoy the fruits of the world, the beauty My Father created, because He created it! His works are good, and He desired the fruits of the land to multiply. But do not be attached to the world. Be attached only to God. Do not take for granted the gifts of the Lord given to you. Be people of virtue, and treasure the Eternal way.
Your desire for the goodness of My Way must supersede all human desires, for these are the ways of success. It is necessary to work always to achieve heavenly bliss. You will never be able to perfect your way, even on My Path! The way of this life is only a breath of the life of perfection to come!
Live your life now for the true Way of Peace and Joy to be attained through your efforts now in this world. Give of yourself and keep giving of yourself without looking for ac-knowledgment, recognition or repayment from those to whom you give. Simply look to the heavens!! Raise your eyes to Me, and I shall fill you so fully that you will overflow with graces and virtues of satisfaction.
Blessed is he who seeks the truth and wisdom of Heaven, and not of this world. I love you, My dear one. It is no secret!
I love My people. That is no secret! I lived for you a human life; suffered a human death; experienced human temptations all for humanity. What you experience, I have experienced.
The way My Angels waited on Me is the same way My Angels wait on everyone! But TRUST and have CONFIDENCE in your love of Me through the love of yourself.
Very few of My people have confidence in their love of themselves because they do not have full confidence in Me.
If they did, the way of your world would be a way of love of one another and of peace and of joy; not a world that seeks joy through success, monetary values and power! My people trust in the things that limit the depth of happiness over the eternal heavenly things that are very real and long-lasting.
My words are truth. My words are wisdom. Happy and blessed are they who listen, follow and abandon unto TRUTH. They are my wise; and to them, more shall be given!
Peace, my love. Ad deum.