“It is necessary to live in this world sharing the graces which are Divine with all people, helping all to know My love. This can be accomplished by being Love itself. You may not feel that you belong to this world, but you must live in it. Utilize the opportunity to love, and be humble and meek of heart.”(From Gianna below)

I belong to a relatively large church congregation, and oddly, I know way more about the political affiliations and leanings of most of that congregation than I do about their love for God. Or I can take a person who’s love of God I’m aware of and familiar with, but become totally dismissed by their demonstration of alignment with some divisive political figure, or even their complete dismissal of the tenets of our faith for some political agenda. We’re willing to put our politics out there in our shirts and signs, but where do we stand when it comes to bringing Our Lord and His light to the hearts and souls of those whom we are touching? We’ve been cast into a false dichotomy by two self serving political parties that send us piles of hate mail every election season, yet who is bringing Jesus to hearts, minds and souls, when hate is the flavor of the week? One side hates the other while accusing the other side of being hateful.
By a similar token, I see people preaching about Jesus, but instead of embracing and sharing His Truth and His Light, we will scold other Christians because of their interpretation of His Truth, or that to which we might hold reverence.
All of that comes from ego. “Edging God Out,” as it’s been coined.
Jesus didn’t send His disciples and apostles out to display their egos. He sent them(us)out to be “fishers of men.”(not gender specific)To show them the light of His perfect love that all might live in it and be redeemed by it. To display unity in love as opposed to division. I pray that we all reflect, and look at ourselves and others through His eyes, as opposed to the lenses of politics or fundamentalism. That we walk with each other in His light and the way, the truth, and the life. That we show each other a “light so lovely that all will want to know the source of it.” All in and totally His. In perfect love.❤️🙏

As told to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am your Jesus of Mercy Vol V
In St. Maria Goretti Church, Scottsdale, Arizona
October 13, 1995
Your Journey of Life
“My little one, the daily journey of life entails a variety of emotional
Valleys and hills, valleys of sorrow and hills of joy. I your Jesus of
Mercy walk with My people on their joumey, when invited. Even
though the tide changes and ways of life change for many people
I remain the same, for I am God. My Word remains the same, for I
am the Word. I am Love, and I can only love. I love all My people.
Even though all the world may turn against you and forget you, I
will always love you and never forget you. The measure of love that
I have for all My people is greater than the sands of the earth. No
small deed of mercy, love, charity or compassion goes unnoticed.
All are accounted for in My Kingdom. Even though the flesh dies,
the soul lives and is free in My love. The bones of the flesh remain
on the earth, but the spirit ascends to everlasting life, connecting
life on earth to life eternal. This connection is through the cross.
It is necessary to live in this world sharing the graces which
are Divine with all people, helping all to know My love. This can
be accomplished by being Love itself. You may not feel that you
belong to this world, but you must live in it. Utilize the opportunity
to love, and be humble and meek of heart. Pray unceasingly in mind
and spirit. There are many of My beloved ones who do not know
Me and are thirsty for My love. Many are confused, downtroddened,
angry, bewildered and lonely. Be Love for them. Be Me.. Bring My
people to Me through unconditional love, deeds and prayer. There
are many who know Me, yet are so afraid to take a risk for Me. They
are quite comfortable in the way they live and in their knowledge of
Me. Yet, they are not willing to be challenged by Me, nor do they
desire to know Me more intimately for fear of what I might ask of
them once illumination of their minds and souls commences. They
keep a distance from Me. Bring these My people to Me through your
example of living and of trust in Me. Let your life show them the
freedom and joy affiliated with the surrender of affection toward
the passions and material possessions of the world. Your life must
be an example of prayer, joy and service. It must be free of fear,
anxiety and attachments of all sorts. There are many of My beloved
ones who refuse to know Me. They do not desire Me. They have no
interest in anything Divine. Bring these My people to Me through
prayer. Unite them unceasingly to Me in the silence of your heart
and live in My hope for their future. The time will come when all
actions will be accounted for in the heavens. Every person will be
responsible for his or her actions. It is I who desire all to be free and
happy and to live in love of the truth. Speak up for the truth of My
Word; yet speak lovingly and allow your actions to be the living
testimony of your freedom in My love.
I bless you, little one of love and mercy, as I bless all My people
in the world. Pray, pray, pray unceasingly and live My love for all.
Peace in My love and fortitude in My truth! AD DEUM.”