Tuesday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“By trying to hold on to power, they will lose it, because they are grasping the wrong source of power. BY SURRENDERING YOUR CONTROL, YOU SHALL GAIN IT, BECAUSE YOU SHALL BE GAINING MY CONTROL! Being afraid of following My ways because of the need to surrender control, is an emotion placed in you by the evil one! This is because he has fear that, if you surrender control to Me, he would lose his control over you. There is no justice in fear, because I am not fear!”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

I do have a very hard time surrendering my emotions, the desire to control that which I can’t, and handing all over to God, especially as I watch the evil one wreak havoc on our innocent, fostering fear, hatred, and racism disguised as virtue as the bastions of thought control pour evil agendas down our throats from all sides of the “political spectrum.” Pulling God into every fiber of our being and releasing our frustration and anger unto Him with complete trust can be a daunting task, but it’s one we must focus on with every aspect of our being if we want to keep ourselves in the Light, or the “love zone,” as The Word seems to be constantly stifled by the world.
Even our churches have become vehicles for the devil possessed media as we try to reach out to God for peace and solace, and it’s up to us and us alone to seek Him out and pull Him into our souls that we can maintain interior peace as we work to manifest truth in deep love through our thoughts, words, and actions.
Our Lady’s most recent message begs us to “listen to what the Holy Spirit is telling you. Pray for peace. Peace within the world. Peace within the family. Peace within your souls.”(OLOE 5/1/2024) If we can pull ourselves into that prayer mode, finding the mantra that brings us into His peace, whether it be The Lord’s Prayer, the beautiful Prayer of St Francis, which I often forget as a go to, or any other favorite prayer that we can use to extract our minds from worldly thought, and draw all of our focus into Him as we beg Him to “make us a channel of His peace.” To surrender all unto Him by opening our hearts and souls that He might allow us to see others as He does, and to help us to respond to all challenges from a place of inner peace within ourselves, for only through peace within ourselves can we bring His peace to others as we are so called to do. I pray that we all find that place of peace within ourselves as we prepare to go out into the world and love each other, for that and only that is what He calls us to do. To help us to find the right words as we encounter adversity, that we might be purveyors of His love and His Light, as we work to remain all in, and totally His. May our mission be love.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy CONTROL
JANUARY 11, 1989
My people blame My Father for many bad events. They cry:
“If God loved me, He wouldn’t allow this to happen to me.” Why do you think they turn to My Father and accuse Him?
It stems from what I have told you before… people come to Me only when they need assistance. All other times My children wish to be in control of their lives, instead of allowing me!
They credit good happenings to their effort, and do not give thanks or glory to My Father. When things do not go well for them, they come and plead for help. I wish to help them, but, because they wish to control, I cannot reach their hearts. If people would only surrender to Me, and give Me their problems by giving Me their hearts!
It is because they do not surrender, or fear losing their control, that I cannot offer them to My Father. When the outcome is one which is not in accordance with their expectations, they blame My Father. It is the evil one they should blame!
It is he who takes joy in filling them with pain, and it is My people who allow him to do this!
My people need to surrender their control to Me. I will then be able to fill them with My radiance. This also is part of obedience. The most difficult thing for My people to do is to give to Me their control! They are afraid they will lose their power. How can I express the seriousness of this lesson on control?
By trying to hold on to power, they will lose it, because they are grasping the wrong source of power. BY SURRENDERING YOUR CONTROL, YOU SHALL GAIN IT, BECAUSE YOU SHALL BE GAINING MY CONTROL! Being afraid of following My ways because of the need to surrender control, is an emotion placed in you by the evil one!
This is because he has fear that, if you surrender control to Me, he would lose his control over you. There is no justice in fear, because I am not fear!
So trust in Me when I say to surrender unto Me with an open heart. You will gain controll MY CONTROL. and you shall never fear again. You will only be filled with My goodness, My happiness, My mercy, My power, My love and
Му реасе!