Thursday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“Having faith in Me, and having mercy on one another is acknowledging the unity of My Divinity to My Father. It is with faith that miraculous events happen. The slightest doubt questions My Divinity and is your loss of power!”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

I’m laughing as I begin to write this as I realize I’m steaming, full of “righteous anger” rather than trust, over matters in which I have no control. I think I need to dive into the scriptures and pray, that I might figure out what was going through the mind of Jesus when He “turned the tables” in The Temple.
Considering the misalignment of our mother church, our archdiocese, and even my own parish, I feel the constant need to stifle any inclination to do the same thing so as not to make matters worse. I need to humble myself and let Him act as I know He will, and allow trust in Him to heal me in the places where I need to be healed, as these once powerful entities segue from anything resembling His Word into bastions of hyper partisan falsehood that don’t belong in His House, as our leadership becomes influenced by corrupt media and naive souls.
We live in a society of political “half truth,” and there is way too much “gray” out there. Little trinkets of “half truth” that our churches latch onto so that they can stay relevant, yet we forget that half truths are always half lies, and a half lie is still a lie.
This is how Satan works, and he is having a field day.
What I need to do is practice what I preach, and give it all to Him, and know that He will tell me if and when a time comes to act in this regard, and that my duty and responsibility at this juncture is merely to pray and to love. To keep myself immersed in Him and to do my best to tell the Truth and nothing but the Truth as He has and does reveal to us in His time. It often feels futile as Satan’s minions have absolutely no interest in truth, only the fulfillment of the “collective ego,” those things which remove us from God. We all do need to remain constantly aware, and not allow “political correctness” to overshadow our thoughts and actions as we walk each other through, and cast light on these very dark times. To remember that He lives through us and in us, and that we remain all in, and totally His no matter what. In perfect love.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy
DECEMBER 19, 1988
It was through My faith in My Father, united with My Blood, that Divine Mercy was shed then, and is shed now. It is faith that is My source of power, and it is faith in Me that is your source of power!
For I am Faith, and I am your source of power!
It is My people who choose to select money, prestige and status as their god, their power. It is in doing this that I am placed last, and not acknowledged as their Divine Power. This, My dear one, is why they will lose their power.
Having faith in Me, and having mercy on one another is acknowledging the unity of My Divinity to My Father. It is with faith that miraculous events happen. The slightest doubt questions My Divinity and is your loss of power!
Make no mistake…it is the unfaithful servant that needs signs for acceptance and acknowledgment of My Divinity. It is the faithful servants who are given power abundantly, because they are acknowledging the truth of My Divinity.
It is I Who has faith in you and when you have faith in Me, we are fused together! My mercy flows because of My love and My faith in My Father. It is My Divinity.
That is why I ask that you have faith in Me and mercy on each other; so that you may share in My Divinity.
You either have faith, or you do not!
You cannot have faith one day and not the next!
You cannot have mercy on one another one day and not the next!
There is no middle of the rope. There are only two ends!
I wish for My people to begin practicing faith. Practicing faith is believing in Me, and living in My Divinity.
Now do you understand that it is through faith that you Will share in My Divinity, and receive My mercy? It is by grasping this, and by loving, that My mercy flows through you.
Go in peace now.