Monday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“I wish for all My people to forgive one another, be respectful of one another and to remain calm. It is the evil one who stirs up commotion to frighten you, and to make you react by impulse and not by thought!
I listen, My dear people! I do!”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

I attended a celebration of love yesterday, as the long time pastor of our Church, is retiring after many years as a priest. He’s taken an itinerant parish that started in a college auditorium, and any place else they could hold a Mass, and built a big beautiful Church community of diversity and love that is totally one for the record books, and it brings me to tears thinking about it.
It’s been 20 plus years of the Holy Spirit working in community with the best music ever, beautiful liturgies, and a wonderful family that’s grown to over 3700 people working together with the power of the Holy Spirit to maintain a balance of faith, hope and love, and as with all things, the greatest of those is the love that lies therein.
Albeit imperfect, what has been built on the campus of St Katharine Drexel Catholic Church, and St John Regional Catholic School is an amazing legacy built by many with the patient leadership of one, and I cry often thinking of this departure.
I’ve been blessed with fairly large leadership roles in both of the institutions I just mentioned, and I have also been blessed in all of these roles to have found replacements when I left who were strong where I was weak, and carried things forward in a way that grows and moves forward from a different perspective, yet maintains the strength and integrity of that organization as it grows God’s Kingdom. We as a parish really have very little input as to whom the replacement of our pastor will be, but I trust that the presence of the Holy Spirit will will bring someone who carries our pastor’s vision forward in a way that keeps The Word at the forefront as we navigate the world, and most of all follows Jesus, as He leads us into eternity through our service in deep love.
Thank you, Father Keith for all you have done, as your last hurrah is the construction of our eternal resting place, where our community will rest in eternal peace together, and the power of the Holy Spirit can only grow stronger by the many lives It has influenced and touched.
You have shown many of us what a privilege it is to be alive, to serve and to love, and in your own unique way, brought many souls including mine, closer to a state of being that is all in, and totally His. In perfect love.❤️🙏

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy PRESENCE
JANUARY 9, 1989
My people think that because they do not see, do not hear or do not feel My presence, I do not see and do not hear them. This is not true!
I see and hear all! They do not see, because they do not look within. They do not hear, because they do not listen.
I have given them the greatest gift of all…the gift of My Holy Spirit. If they would invite My Spirit to dwell in them, people would see and hear according to what I wish for them to see and hear!
I wish for all My people to forgive one another, be respectful of one another and to remain calm. It is the evil one who stirs up commotion to frighten you, and to make you react by impulse and not by thought!
I listen, My dear people! I do!
It is because I do not answer according to their wishes that they will not practice their gift of faith. They do not realize that their solution may not be the best solution for their intimate happiness.
I, Who only love, fill My people with love and happiness.
Those who resist are the ones who struggle. It is they who desire gold, but resist receipt of it, who grasp the iron rod.
It is their selection…but my pain!
Please know that I am with you at all times, when invited!
Because you think I am not with you, does not mean that I am not. It is when you think that I am not with you that you can be sure that I am.
I see you. I hear you. I love you. Please see Me from within.
Listen to My words, and love Me by loving others.