Our Lady came and was with me for perhaps 10 minutes. She mentioned that as a mother who said “yes” to God her “yes” included everything regardless of unfortunate events, distractions, or brokenness in the past lines of genealogy. Her “yes” is all encompassing of good and bad events. God the Father chose her as He chose King David. King David had many sins and yet God spared him because he prayed for forgiveness and did penance. We all can receive God’s Mercy, no matter what our past has been like.

My dear little one,

Praised be Jesus. You will do great things. The Archangel Gabriel told you this with your first mystical encounter back in 1988. The time of distress has prepared you and many other people for the next steps which will be unfolding. You will see how many lives you will now affect.

This virus, COVID-19, is not the end. It is a significant warning of how quickly things can happen. In fact, it is so significant, that it is important that people understand that at any time the current events of life as you know it, could swiftly change. It is important that people understand this and the STRENGTH of God. NO ONE will ever be more powerful than Him. He allows things to unfold. He is a God of Mercy but if you dishonor Him too long, He will act in a way that the world will know He IS God and that YES, God does exist.

This is just a prewarning. The evil one has shown his ugliness and hatred for life. You saw the panic and the disruption of lives and the fear emanating from so many people. You will rise and change the effect of the lives of many through prayer and being available to listen and help guide them in discernment.

Remember, God’s time is not equivalent to the time of a person’s life. For many years now, I have been praying for all my children to hold back the arm of God. I am with you and all my children, even if they feel despair and are alone and afraid. Those are emotions. Faith is what is necessary and consistency to continue to follow God; daily routines of prayer, vocal and meditative, and acts of love and mercy. I will not leave you or any of my loved ones. God will NOT leave you and your penance has been fulfilled. Have HOPE and tell my loved ones who reach out to you to have hope as well.

This day, I desire to share with you my joy and deep love. I am so happy to be here with you and join your prayers to mine.

Peace and know you are well protected. You have great works to do for God. There are great things to unfold for people who will listen. I am not leaving.

Peace dear one. Love and joy to you! I am with you!

Thank you for your response to my call.