Saturday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“I wish for My people of this world to know that I am united in oneness with them. I have promised this to My children for their glorification to My Father.
Unity with My Body allows the power of My gifts… love, faith and hope…to be Me, living them in you!”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

Yesterday was a spiritually enlightening day for me. I endured gross incompetence, the death of a friend, bad weather, and things that should have put me in a bad mood or “brought me down.” But those are not the things that dictated how I felt at the end of the day. What I did feel was a very warmed heart inside of myself that was manifested by the people around me. While I was subjected to corporate bureaucracy in the morning , I was also subjected to much love from the individuals trying to do their best to make things right. While there was much sadness in the death of my friend, the level of love that poured out of the hearts around me made me realize how much beauty there really is in this world. There’s a very good chance that someone reading this may have been a source of that love, and if you are, I am beyond grateful.
Every single one of us is leaving this earthly plane sooner than we think, and it does us no good to waste perfectly good days, hours, minutes, or even seconds focused on anything but the love around us, and the beautiful souls who hold us in their light, and love us as we do our best to make the world around us more livable and likable. Jesus calls us to be light for Him, or as the little song I learned in the Baptist church as a kid went; “Jesus wants me for a sunbeam.” And it resolves; “I’ll be a sunbeam for Him.”
I felt a lot of sunbeams yesterday, even though it was cold and rainy, and those “sunbeams” left my heart in a state of hope. Hope that we as sunbeams can outshine the darkness that the forces of evil wish to cast upon us. That we stay in unity with Him in a way that allows our “batteries” to stay charged as we walk each other through this world in His precious Light. You guys are truly beautiful, and I am very blessed. May we remain all in, and totally His, as we emulate “Motel 6,” and “leave the lights on” for each other. With faith, hope, and a whole lot of love. 🤗❤️🙏

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy
DECEMBER 6, 1988
My child, it is through the conception of My Body that you are glorified in Me. It is I, Who make you a priority to Me. It is through love that many lost lambs are found.
It is because of My mercy that you have been saved.
What do you feel inside? Do you not feel My Body encompassing yours in unity? It is this, My Presence, which you are aware of, which is in all My children. My Body is united in oneness with theirs. Oneness in My Body is a gift, which I have promised to My children. I am present in all My children.
I am present in all My children, as the bond I have promised to them. I came into this world to save you from the evil one, and in forgiveness of your sins, to unite you in oneness to Me.
I wish for My people of this world to know that I am united in oneness with them. I have promised this to My children for their glorification to My Father.
Unity with My Body allows the power of My gifts… love, faith and hope…to be Me, living them in you!