by Gianna Talone-Sullivan | Mar 25, 2020 | Private Messages
Our Lady came and was with me for perhaps 10 minutes. She mentioned that as a mother who said “yes” to God her “yes” included everything regardless of unfortunate events, distractions, or brokenness in the past lines of genealogy. Her “yes” is all encompassing of good...
by Gianna Talone-Sullivan | Mar 12, 2012 | Private Messages
My dear little one, Praised be Jesus! Little one, seek a private and personal intimacy with my Son. He desires your love and for an intimate, quiet relationship with you. In fact, my Son desires an intimate relationship with everyone. Do not...
by Gianna Talone-Sullivan | Nov 10, 2009 | Private Messages
Rosary of Glory Little children, praise be Jesus! I am your Lady of Emmitsburg, and I wish to be called “Our Lady of Emmitsburg – Our Lady of Joy,” to link where my appearances first began [Scottsdale, AZ] to where they are now. Many scattered in the West, and...
by Gianna Talone-Sullivan | Oct 8, 2008 | God The Father
The Words of God The Father to the World Through Gianna Talone-Sullivan October 8, 2008 Dear Children of Humanity, Allow Me to speak about the most fair and purest woman, so Immaculate and preserved without stain. She is your mentor, an advocate for the Truth. She...
by Gianna Talone-Sullivan | Oct 5, 2008 | Messages From 2008
Public Message from Our Lady of Emmitsburg to the World Through Gianna Talone-Sullivan October 5, 2008 Respect Life Sunday Little children, praised be Jesus! Little ones, always remember that Almighty God is merciful, kind and compassionate. He is always there for...