Private Message from Our Lady
through Gianna Sullivan
January 13, 2003
My little children, praised by Jesus.
This very night I have a short message for you. I bless you and all your
children. I bless you in your intentions and I take them to the Most Sacred
Heart of my Son Jesus.
I ask you to be prudent and wise and to look
forward to a new beginning.
I ask you to take courage and have strength
in the walk of my Son.
Know that you are chosen for a great mission.
Know that you are protected in my most Immaculate Heart. Know most
definitely that there are changes to come.
In those changes, I need your
courage; and in that courage, I need you to be part of my army. So I ask
you to join in comradery.
Here I am, telling you in this short message that not only do I take your
petitions, but also that I dwell within your hearts and you dwell within
mine. You are tucked safely under my most blessed mantle because there
under my mantle in my heart is my Son. Where He is, you too shall dwell.
So I take you and I comfort you; but most importantly you must know that
you must be strong, you must take courage and you must move valiantly
ahead. You know you will be victorious in my Son. You must be the Light
of the world. You must take the strength of the armor of Christ and put it
on as your mantle itself.
There you shall find the breadth and depth of
God’s Love.
For that, you shall lead all your loved ones into eternal life
where I shall be.
I love you. Know that there are hard times coming for not only you but for
many people. For those who have suffered, there is relief coming, not only
for you but for oh so many; but only God knows who gets what. At the
same time you are all together as one Body of Christ. There you can look
for a new tomorrow.
Know that I your Mother am there in your midst,
guiding you, pleading beside you and protecting you, because everyone will
be safe.
However, everyone must be purged because there must be a new
tomorrow, a new beginning, a new era where all of you can live in joy and
comradery and can be filled with not only grace but with the purity of the
Holy Trinity.
I bless you and I love you and I grace you with the peace of my Son, the
peace of the Holy Spirit, and the peace of God the Father Himself. I am
here smiling upon you, bringing comfort to you and showering you with
graces from heaven. Thank you.