“They know it is most necessary to meet all challenges with love and to move ahead valiantly and with courage. They know they will meet failure and vices of their flesh along their journey. But they also know that love is the sword which slays these failings and that gentleness of self will assuredly make them victorious in My love.”(From Gianna below)

Had someone told me 20 years ago that we were moving into times of change in a Biblical sense, I would have “lmao,” and probably written more than one supposedly “strong” argument dismissing it as complete bunk. Then in 2008 and 2009, God revealed Himself to me in a way that couldn’t be denied, and decided to turn my alleged “skills” against Him into a vehicle for His Truth and His goodness. That’s ”long story short,” but once He reveals the truth about darkness and light, there is no turning back. As truth unfolds, things become clearer, and we absolutely, positively have a choice to make. Will we live in His light, and bring it to others? Or will we enable the darkness and keep hurling ourselves into the abyss of social control and falsehoods that are continually being foisted upon us?
Now is the time. Now is the time to condition ourselves. To pray diligently every day, and to allow His light to penetrate our souls so that every action and interaction bring His love and His peace to a very sad world. There is only one way through this, and that is through Him, and with Him. The duty and the challenge are ours. His light is beautiful, and the more people we bring into His light, the more beautiful it becomes. We are the chosen. Every one of us, and His Kingdom is at hand. Now is the time for faith, hope and love, and we know that the greatest of these is love. I pray that we all chose wisely, to be vessels of His light and His truth, in every action, and every encounter. We belong to Him, and we are all loved deeply. May His will be ours. Totus Tuus.❤️🙏

As told to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am your Jesus of Mercy Vol V
In private chapel at home
August 1, 1995
The New Dawn of My Light
“My dear little one, the dawn brings on a new day, a new day filled
with My love, goodness, tenderness and gentleness. The dawn is
the break from the darkness of the night when the light rises and
shines through to brighten the pathway of love and the horizon of
freshness, hopes and wonders. There is no more fear of the dark
and uncertainty of the future. The dawn brings hope for the tomor-
row of My love. The dawn enlightens and unfolds My love today.
It is good, and those who persevere await the moment in hope and
confidence. They know the night will end and that with time the
dawn will emerge and the light will brighten the sky.
I speak these words so that My people will know that perse-
verance in hope will bring on the new day of goodness. Good will
always prevail and love will always be victorious for all who pray,
hope and work for tomorrow. Peace in your duties and faithfulness
to your responsibilities will ensure victory in My love. There will
always be challenges but none too difficult nor My yoke too heavy
to carry. The harvest is many but the laborers are few. Those who
are close to the reign of God and the kingdom of Goodness work
diligently interiorly and exteriorly challenging themselves to grow
in My love and mercy. They know the darkness of the night will pass and they hope in perseverance for the dawn of My light. Change takes time. Gentleness is what is needed to meet the challenges of the new dawn. They know it is most necessary to meet all challenges with love and to move ahead valiantly and with courage. They know they will meet failure and vices of their flesh along their joumey. But they also know that love is the sword which slays these failings and that gentleness of self will assuredly make
them victorious in My love, And when the new dawn of My light
approaches, it will find them waiting with patience, confidence and
hope, having persevered through the night. I will take these My few
laborers and give to them My crown of glory; and they shall help
all those who are lost on the way, those who started on the path but
became distracted from persevering and stranded themselves in the
cloud of confusion. They will be found by my laborers and brought
back once again to the pathway of love and will be encouraged to
continue on in hope, meeting with courage all obstacles and chal-
leges, With love, gentleness and perseverance they also will rise
above them. Look to the dawn, which is sure to rise, the dawn of
hope for all who persevere and endure. Peace, little one. Peace to
all My people. AD DEUM.”