Saturday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“My people take little time for silent prayer and many do not take any time for silent meditation. Then when confusion and chaos strike, they are not able to find peace within. Consequently, only few of My people are able to know the truth and follow My Way.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

We can either be formed by the world or we can be formed by God. We can’t have it both ways. So how do we turn off “the world” and allow God in when so many around us are shoving “the world” in our faces? Even our churches are harboring and encouraging fear mongering politics over contemplation and immersion in Him, so is it any wonder it’s difficult to silence our hearts and open ourselves up to His Truth? Most importantly, how can we love?
There is no love to be found in our political opinion, yet most of us seem to have a strong desire to let ours be known. Our opinion isn’t going to change anything, but the love we give to others in His name has the potential to change everything. Not to fulfill anyone’s agenda, but to bring His Kingdom to light on earth that all might live in him.
The words “shift of consciousness” have been on my mind a lot lately. We have the means to solve most every problem and challenge in this world, but our worldliness, greediness, lust, and desire for relevance and power seem to constantly overshadow His will for us. Rather than draw attention to Him, our inclination is to draw attention to ourselves, and unless we’re reflecting His light through ourselves, we are not a source of truth. We’re merely a source of propaganda, and worldly propaganda is never of Him, no matter how much lipstick we put on it.
I think a question we should ask ourselves every time we have a thought that we want to convey, we should ask ourselves, are we fomenting fear, or love? Of course we also have to ask ourselves if it’s true, and for that answer we have to seek His Word and His guidance, for only through Him, can eternal truth be revealed to us. And only through love can we reveal that truth to others that all might live in Him. Tranquility can be found in our humility. By opening ourselves up to Him completely that we become a light for all, and creating a desire for others to seek Him as well. As we enter this era of change, we need to realize that anything that isn’t completely of Him, is of the evil one, and unless we keep our hearts and souls immersed in Him, we are doomed to failure, for He is The Way, The Truth, and The Life. Only through contemplation, silence, and immersion, can we remain all in, and totally His.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am your Jesus of Mercy Vol V
Lesson #17
In Laverna, Italy (site where St. Francis received the stigmata)
September 10, 1995
My little one, in today’s world people do not take the time to reflect on God’s goodness in silence. They are busy seeking enticements of the world, and speech is often what becomes their companion over silence. Yet when My people are in need, they briefly come to Me and are quick to ask for graces on behalf of their needs without taking the time for contemplation and prayer in gratitude. My people speak too much and do not listen with their hearts. How I desire to fill My people with fond joy in their hearts through silence. Those who desire silence and prayer many times struggle because of the many people who violate their silence with disrespect and lack of
compassion. I desire My people to take the time to reflect in silence on My love and My will for them. If My people are too busy to take time to reflect on My love, how can they discern what My will is for them? It is through prayer and contemplation that peace resides in the heart. In peace can you discern the Way of God. Prayer and contemplation allow you to be at peace with yourself, no matter what distractions or confusion surround you.
My people take little time for silent prayer and many do not take any time for silent meditation. Then when confusion and chaos strike, they are not able to find peace within. Consequently, only few of My people are able to know the truth and follow My Way.
Most importantly, I want to speak to My people and fill them with all they desire: the freedom, the peace, the joy, wisdom and happiness of the heart; but they deny themselves and Me by not adhering to My request to pray within the silence of the heart.
Confusion and chaos will only continue if no one believes in My Word to reflect in prayer on My will and My love. How can you live My Word if you do not reflect on it? How can you understand the meaning of My Word and discern it as it pertains to your life and My will for you if you do not respect My gift of silence? There is a time for speech and a time for silence. I tell you few of My people know the time for silence. When you are able to reflect in silence, you will see there are more speakable words in your heart than those found on your lips.
It is good, little one, that you have come back to My place where I spoke first to you about silence. Now you see there are many people who seek in pilgrimage their needs from Me and who fail to see that one of the greatest gifts of My merciful love is silence of the heart in order that their needs would be fulfilled.
I have so many graces to give; and yet, there are so few who truly desire them. They ask, ask and ask, but do not allow Me to give because My gift to them they choose not to receive. It is not in the format they expect and so they block the truth and light in answer to their request. Pray for their needs. I love My people. I desire to unite with them more intimately; and yet, I wait for them. I will wait and continue to wait for them because of My great love for them. Simplicity of life and My will for you reside in the silence of your heart! Seek me there and you shall find Me and your joy.
Peace to you, little one. My blessings and love. AD DEUM.