Private Message from Our Lady through Gianna Talone Sullivan, June 8, 2002
by Kenny Meek | Jan 18, 2023 | Message Archive
The Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Praise be Jesus! Little ones, I thank you for coming. I give you the blessings of my Son. Now, little children, I have come to many places all around the world. In many places I have brought different messages in one form or...Private Message from Our Lady through Gianna Talone Sullivan, June 8, 2002
by Kenny Meek | Jan 18, 2023 | Message Archive
The Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Praise be Jesus! Little ones, I thank you for coming. I give you the blessings of my Son. Now, little children, I have come to many places all around the world. In many places I have brought different messages in one form or...Private Message from Our Lady through Gianna Talone Sullivan, June 7, 2002
by Kenny Meek | Jan 18, 2023 | Message Archive
The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Praise be Jesus! Little ones, listen to the Word of God and know these precious words are from heaven. Transformation, little ones, is not an easy process because it can only happen through the grace of God. With time people...Private Message from Our Lady through Gianna Talone Sullivan, June 6, 2002
by Kenny Meek | Jan 18, 2023 | Message Archive
The initial feast of the Sacred Heart of God the Father Praise be Jesus! Little ones, I your Mother of Hope come to you and bring to you tremendous peace from my Son. I desire only to share with you His joy and tell you how much you have pleased Him and how much you...Our Lady’s Message of June 4, 2002 through Gianna Talone Sullivan
by Kenny Meek | Jan 18, 2023 | Message Archive
My dear little children, praise be Jesus! Little ones, I your Mother of Hope am with you and I give to you today a new commitment, a new love which I have in my heart, which every day is inspired by Jesus my Son. Every day it is a new love. Every day it grows, and...