Tuesday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“My people think they must do so much to please Me. I am only asking for their hearts to be open to My words, so that I can fill them with all the goodness and the grace of joyfulness. If My people would come back to Me with hearts like children, relying and trusting in Me, with hearts of openness and purity, I would fill them with the freedom and happiness of children. They would be carefree children.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

It’s very easy to allow the complexities of our environment, that which is “man made,” to keep us in a place of distance from God. Keeping a roof over our heads, taxes, insurance, politics, false narratives, keeping our kids safe, cars, schedules, our electronics feeding us a plethora of stress from all directions, and the list goes on. But God transcends all of that if we find a way to mentally strip ourselves of it.
Jesus calls us to be little like children. To “strip ourselves” of our ego, and lay ourselves bare before others in a way that fosters love and trust, and puts those around us at ease that they might want some of what we have.
It’s often that I put myself back into a “kindergarten state,” to look at each soul through the eyes I once had as a child, and love and trust them with an “empty slate,” as though I know nothing about them. To merely peer at them with eyes of love that they might want to follow me to where I’m going because it’s a place of deep love, and if we have our souls rooted in Jesus, this really isn’t hard to do.
Not everyone wants that, and not everyone will follow, but if we simply “plant the seeds” of love and trust in every interaction, we will in fact have done our part to bring His Kingdom to light to every soul we touch. It’s also important that we politely excuse ourselves and back away from anyone who might intentionally hinder us from that, and remember that all we have to do is plant the seed, and let God do the rest, as He is way better at it than we will ever be.
Simplicity and Trust. That’s all Jesus asks of us. I pray that we go out on this day with that in mind, and touch each soul from that place of humility and love. That we strip ourselves of our egos and allow ourselves to represent Him in a way that fosters love towards every soul we touch, and that we keep out “little” hearts and souls, all in, and totally His.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy SIMPLICITY AND TRUST
NOVEMBER 22, 1988
My dear child, how it pleases Me to have My little lambs, My little children, come to Me rejoicing in their God. The purity and openness of their hearts allows Me to fill them with special graces. That is how I wish all My children of all ages would come to Me…with innocence and purity.
My people think that, in order to please Me, they must pray differently than the way My little children pray. You do not have to be extraordinary, and offer sacrifices beyond what you have already been called to do.
My people think they must do so much to please Me. I am only asking for their hearts to be open to My words, so that I can fill them with all the goodness and the grace of joyfulness.
If My people would come back to Me with hearts like children, relying and trusting in Me, with hearts of openness and purity, I would fill them with the freedom and happiness of children. They would be carefree children.
But My people struggle and make things so hard for themselves. If only they would try. “Just try,” say I, Your Lord!
I, your Lord, am a loving God, Who calls His people to simplicity. simple prayers, simple words of thanks, simple ways. It is in this simpleness that you will be filled with the richness of My treasures. My people do not need to be flamboyant, and worship in a form that would bring attention to themselves. Pray with your heart… in the quiet of your heart. My people want power and attention, even in prayer.
That is the way of the world now… power!
Know the joy I have when My children come to Me like
“little children.” It is with hearts of little children that you will gain the treasure of My Kingdom.